Everyone is composed of hundreds of qualities and features; positive, negative, conscious and subconscious. If you want to get to know yourself more, then the Know Yourself Oracle is the place to be. You can get new insights about yourself every day. The Oracle not only indicates how to achieve personal goals, after all: The "what" is one thing, the "how" is quite another thing. Always concentrate a moment before pressing the Oracle buttons. As every day is subject to many influences, you can consult the Oracle on a daily basis.
The main methods of psychic divination are derived from astrology. The most common methods are cartomancy, divination by coffee grounds, egg white, etc. These are astrological in their origins as well. In China, when it came to founding a city or deciding some important matter, people consulted the psychic sourcerors, which was done in two ways; either by a certain plant called chi, or by the tortoise shell. It is not clear how divination by the chi plant was practiced in ancient times. In today's world of online possibilities, divination is practiced in many and varied forms.
The "Know Yourself Oracle" is a fun way to be busy with self-knowledge. This Oracle of divination, actually allows you to make a small journey from the personality to the deeper layers of "who you really are". Some answers will be recognizable and some answers are intended to look at yourself more intrusively. Some questions, even challenge you to bring unconscious parts into your consciousness. In this way, this Oracle of psychic divination helps you to get to know yourself better.
When we talk about 'personal development', we are usually talking about ways to focus on success. The different methods used for this, have a number of things in common. What we are learning is how to act as effectively as possible to achieve successful results. It is about result-oriented methods to come to more love, more success, more self-confidence or healing. It shows how we develop personally by reducing stress, managing emotions or improving communication. Parallel to this widespread current, there is another current that is not interested in the confirmation of the self, but - on the contrary - in the dissolution of the ego. This current is aimed at our real being and the transpersonal. Success is no longer important and the focus has shifted to inner expansion and crossing the boundaries of the "self". We are entering another level of reality. It's about our essence, our essential being, or: "the Real" within ourselves.
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