Aquarius & Love

aquarius and love

Aquarius: Lively & Distant Lover

Aquarius is a very social Zodiac Star Sign. Aquarius loves to be with people, where he fits right in. When it comes to relationships and love, romance is not at the top of his/her list. This Horoscope Sign hates to be restricted and he/she holds freedom in the highest regard. In a relationship, Aquarius believes in equity. He or she is not an emotional type, but nevertheless, passionate. Aquarius needs much space which means that a partner needs quite some understanding.

Star Sign Compatibility

Aquarius & Aries in General

The relation between Aries and Aquarius is very diverse and varied. Conflicts can occur but at the same time they can feel at ease with each other. To create more softness in this Star Sign relationship, both have to learn to be more indulgent.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Aries Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Taurus in General

The relationship between Taurus and Aquarius is full of motion.  When it comes to life issues, these Star Signs are not on the same page. Conflicts are easily triggered but with effort they can be commited love partners.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Taurus Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Gemini in General

In this relationship, there is plenty of cheerfulness and snugness. Gemini and Aquarius give each other sufficient room for the things they need as well for each other's activities. They feel very comfortable with each other.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Gemini Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Cancer in General

Cancer and Aquarius can learn a lot from each other. There may be many conflicts, but  it is always thoroughly cleared up. One could say that they maintain a lively atmosphere in their relationship.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Cancer Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Leo in General

Both Star Signs are having a hard time admitting. There are many differences and they can get bogged down in interminable discussions. If the other horoscope aspects match, these Star Signs can still have a good relationship.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Leo Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Virgo in General

Virgo and Aquarius can have an harmonious relationship if they are willing to concede. To stay on good terms with each other, these astrological signs have to communicate with openness. As a business relationship, these astro signs are a perfect match.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Virgo Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Libra in General

Libra and Aquarius feel at home with each other. They can have a stable and cheerful relationship. They enjoy working together, which opens up possibilities business-wise. A long-term relationship between these two astrological signs is more than a probability.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Libra Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Scorpio in General

Scorpio and Aquarius can make a great challenge out of their relationship, if they know they can learn from each other. It's very important that both of them show softness. Despite some relational difficulties, they can have a nice and safe relationship.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Scorpio Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Sagittarius in General

Sagittarius and Aquarius can have a happy lifelong relationship. Here and there some setbacks within the relationship must be overcome. They complement each other very well, through which they can handle their setbacks quite easily.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Sagittarius Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Random Schorpioen

Aquarius & Capricorn in General

At the beginning of this relationship, there is real chemistry between these Star Signs. If they have to do more than scratching the surface, they will have problems. For some reason, they are unable to dive into each other's depths.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Capricorn Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Aquarius & Aquarius in General

This combination makes for magical moments. There is a natural balance between freedom and being together. Also in the fields of business, these "twin" horoscope signs will do very well.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Aquarius Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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Random Stier

Aquarius & Pisces in General

Pisces has a need for spiritual depth, while Aquarius finds happiness in success in business. If this goes well together, it will be a good relationship. In this relationship, boredom is the first step on the road to relapse.

This combination in General:

Aquarius & Pisces Oracle

A combination of 2 people is always unique! What about the both of you?

Focus on yourself and the other.

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